I'm really not sure how I got so lucky with this cyclamen which I was gifted at Chanukah time, bloomed for 3 1/2 months indoors in a range from bright pink to light pink at the end, and after putting it outdoors in the Spring, now at the end of the summer when temps are still quite high, it decided to bloom! Cyclamens bloom in nature in the late winter on rocky cliffs not far from our home, and the nurseries start selling the in November, so what is going on here? My past experience has been that the plant looses its leaves at the end of the summer, rests and then regrows and blooms......so blooms now, I'm not complaining but wondering aloud. Maybe because husband claimed there was not enough color in the container garden and the plant heard him? Or maybe because husband has been watering this plant and it is a pot within a pot with no hole, so the plant sat in water and therefore thought it was winter? Who knows, just happy that I went outside and started to feel breeze and cooler weather on its way, phew, together with a blooming cyclamen, what a pleasure! So friends, since cyclamen season is coming, do treat yourself to some, but buy plants that are grown from bulbs, (generally the larger ones, just ask) not seeds, so you can enjoy for years to come!